
My class' page in our school magazine.

Why did you didn't bother to tell me the truth, and left me alone for the truth to find me?

If I never knew the reason, it'll be so unfair for me for you to just dump me aside without any explanations. I didn't know you're that jealous to kick someone away and left for them to fend for themselves. I rather to be screamed at because of your displeasure than to be ignored.

Haih, it's not like I wanted to talk bad about you. You just gave chance for me to see your ugly side.

And he blamed himself for this.


It was very early in the morning and I was awaken by the noise of my room door opening. I saw a figure walking into my room and I guessed it was my mother. She walked towards the table beside my bed and took her Galaxy tab. I took it the night before to read the final book of Harry Potter in e-book format.

I just wondered how she guessed it would be in my room. I went back to sleep and to be awaken by my mother again at 9.15 AM. I reluctantly got up and washed up myself, had a simple breakfast and get ready to renew our passport at Putrajaya.

My brother is being an bastard once again (but then again, he was always a bastard) by raising his voice at my mother. I wonder how they can keep this up every time we're all in the car. Can't he just shut up? I'm so tempted to take two rolls of duct tapes. One to put it in his mouth and another to seal his mouth.

Anyway, we depended on the GPS to help us get us there but it wasn't really much help. We went to the Jabatan Imigresen Malaysia but we're supposed to head to another place which is 5KM away. I forget what is the name of the place but I do remember how it looks like. Finally, we reached our destination and got into the building.

Lots of people were already waiting outside, dealing things about their passport etc. My mother took three numbers : 1111, 1112 and 1113. My brothers and I had to renew our passport so we can go to Thailand, whee. Anyway, we had lots of time to spare so I went to walk around with my second brother.

There was nothing there actually. Nothing. We just walked aimlessly and pushed doors that are locked. Putrajaya is known as a ghost city because really, there's not much people there. It's a beautiful city but I think only government staffs are there. Last two times I went to perform at Putrajaya for my studio's concert, the only vehicle there was our bus. There's not one single person in sight.

We walked out of the building and my brother spotted a stairs. We wondered where it lead to so I suggested we find out. It was quite a long way up. But bleh, we had lots of time to waste. It was a sunny day.

I think there's something weird with the photos taken by my phone camera. All the photos I took will be inverted even if I rotated it already.

And so we walked and walked and walked and walked and walked. We're hoping to find something up there like a playground so we can play. Yes, we're teenagers but it's fun to act like a child. When we finally reached up there, we were disappointed because there was nothing there, just like the rest of the city. Roads, building, lamp posts, and more roads.

We head back down.

Me fooling around.

We went back to the building and found out we still had to wait. I read a few pages of Harry Potter and passed it back to my brother. We then chatted with the stupid Cleverbot. And probably, fooled around some more.

While people are waiting ..

.. my brother drew this.

SOOOOOO ANYWAY, when it was our turn we went to respective counters. Since I was still under 18, my mother was following me. The staff worker asked stuffs like am I still below 18, my phone number, our address and if I bought along my birth certificate. I only bought my IC but it was okay.

The staff worker used only his index fingers to type on the keyboard.

We made payment and we had to wait for an hour before we can get our hands on the passport. It was noon already so we went to look for restaurant nearby to have our lunch. We stopped by an Indian restaurant and had roti canai. I can't believe I ate lesser than my mom.

Beautiful, pretty, magnificent but empty Putrajaya!

After what it seemed like eternity, we finally got our red passport and head back home. In the car, me and my second brother were singing Fergie's 'Big Girls Don't Cry' with a squeaky voice before we both fell asleep due to fatigue.

I hope you do realize this is a very useless post and you actually read the whole thing.


I finally learnt driving!

I'm supposed to take a test this Saturday. I'm fine with learning sign boards and things like that but they really want us to memorize each traffic law and how much is the fine if or like how much demerit points we get if we went against it.

I don't see the point doing that. Anyway, I have to study AGAIN even after I finished my SPM. I mean of course I'm gonna study again in the future but .. I really have no interest in how much demerit points I will get if I ran through a red light and how long will my P license get suspended if I forgot to bring along my license.

Actually, I have no interest in driving at all. I just want to get the license because I know how hard my mother had been driving us around. Hopefully I pass this Saturday so I don't have to retake another test. Bleh, if I do pass I have to listen another six hours of something related to driving.


Will you help granting a wish for your dead childhood friend?

I just finished 11 episodes of the anime Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae o Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai. It's Ano Hana for short. I like the ending theme.

It is touching, but I wouldn't say it's better than Clannad. Well, Clannad After Story is the best. Cried like a baby when *SPOILER STARTS* Okazaki finally realized his responsibility to take care of Ushio as a father. *SPOILER ENDS*


Talking about childhood friends. Yes, I do remember sweet times being with them. I don't talk to them anymore except for one. Everyone went separate ways.


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