
Showing posts from 2015

Life Is.

Merry Christmas to anyone who is celebrating it. ---   I posted some time ago that I found the game Life Is Strange from Pewdiepie's channel. I watched two episodes of him and Jacksepticeye playing before I decided that I will not watch the videos anymore, because I thought playing the game itself will be a better experience. I told myself that I will buy the game, but it's just too expensive for me, even though in reality it's not that expensive, compared to other more expensive games like FC4 *coughcough* My brother got first two episodes *cough* illegally *cough* and together we played the game. It was really a wonderful experience, even though I've already seen Youtubers played it. At that time, the whole series of five episodes wasn't all released yet so I thought it will be better to wait for the whole thing to come out first. I patiently waited for months, refusing myself to watch any spoilers or videos. After I was done with my semester, I fi


As I type this, I'm not completely free from my third semester. I have a couple of assignments left and I'm just dying to get over it. My break was supposed to start two weeks ago but there are delays and blahblahblah. I've gotten very lazy this semester and I can say it's all my fault. But somehow we always manage, don't we? I wanted to apologize to my readers but then I realized, there is nobody bugging me to update my blog so I guess I shouldn't feel so bad. HA, EXPECT NO MORE APOLOGIES FROM ME. JustkiddingI'msorry.   Me and my friend drew Saitama faces on a whiteboard to release stress. --- I thought I removed one of my labels 'In My Pointe Shoes' (I named my labels when I was very young, okay?) but wow, it's still there. I thought I removed it because I stopped dancing ballet after I attended university. My last post about ballet was probably from 2013 and which makes sense since I stopped about two years ago. But now I gues

Bon Odori 2015

Since I'm not going to do my work so here I am blogging. --- I went to the Bon Odori festival in 2013 for the first time but it felt like forever. I forgot about the event in 2014 and was kinda disappointed about it. But then I heard that it rained during that year so I didn't feel so bad. Man, it felt like I missed so many years of Bon Odori but in reality I just missed one. So this year, I decided to ask my university friends to come and join me. All of them never went to this festival before so I thought it would be a great experience. Initially, my brother was supposed to follow but he bailed out in the end. Angry sad Joon is angry and sad. One major problem was transportation. The first time I went to Bon Odori, I followed my brother's Anime Society club in his college. They provided a bus to the event and also back to campus. This time, he wasn't going and he's not active in that club anymore, so I wasn't sure if we could even tag along with

Hometown Sweet Hometown.

One thing I love about going back to my hometown in Malacca is spending time with my family and relatives. It is always lively and although sometimes it gets a little bit too noisy, I don't mind it. So when I missed one of my cousin's wedding during June because I was busy with assignments, I was kinda sad, because I knew all of them definitely had fun. My aunts knew how I feel and always told me to go down to Malacca and so we did. My grandfather's death anniversary was coming up so prayers had to be done. Not all of my relatives went back but still, it's nice spending time together. As I grew up, I found myself more attached to the computer than my family now. After greeting my relatives I would hide in a room. So I decided to change that this time. I joined my cousins to watch a movie even though I wasn't interested at first and just try not to trap myself in a room. My cousin wanted to watch a Hong Kong-Chinese movie is about competitive cycling, traveling

Online V.S. Offline

Not looking forward to go back to university, nooooooooooooo. --- I think it's super obvious that I interact with online friends than real life friends. I won't deny it. My daily conversations mostly include people that I met online and I have totally no problem about it. Well, it's not that I don't have any real life friends. It's just that I don't have a lot that I'm really close to and I wonder why. Well, I don't really talk to the people from my secondary school anymore (Ha, Joon has no friends) so I'm only left with the people that I met in university. Except, not all of them are from the same state as me and some even came from overseas. So, yeah. Since I started online gaming at the age of 10, I had been making online friends. It's fun, it's interesting but there is their risk. My family hasn't really been open to the fact that I talk to strangers online but it's a lot better now. The question is, why am I more atta

Time Rant.

Damn, I did it again. I delayed posting stuff in my blog. The post below was written probably a month ago. --- I'm done for the semester and I'm pretty glad it's over. I have been busy before but not as busy as this time. I'm not even kidding. I don't know, I had to do a video shooting assignment, a 2D animation short that lasts for at least one minute, 3D modeling, building a website and some other stuff. This semester was the busiest ever for me. It also brought out the ugly side of me. The toughest assignment would have to be either the video assignment or the 2D animation but the video shoot really took A LOT of my time. I had to travel a lot between locations and there's a total of five days shooting. It all began when our lecturer gave the assignment not really long after the semester started. That's okay, because you need a lot of time to think about what to shoot. We had to present our idea to him and the few better ones get chosen to go

Birthday Appreciation Post.

Three months. It has been three months since I last updated my blog. Oh, that's a record for me. It wasn't because I have nothing to write about. I was kinda busy during this semester and I probably didn't have the motivation to write something that could take hours. I just settled two submissions so I can relax for a bit now and finally bring my blog back to life. --- My birthday was few weeks ago and this year I turned 20. That's the digit 2 right in front there. I remembered I was really excited when I turned 10, because my age consisted two digits then. A decade later, I didn't want my birthday to arrive. It makes me feel old although in reality I'm just a young adult. In the morning, my mom surprised me with a tiramisu cake that she baked herself. It was delicious. She also gave me a necklace that she bought from China as a birthday gift. Thanks mum! I also had an examination I had to take on my birthday so there's a lot of stuffs to t

Earth Hour 2015

Soooo, I had my first week back in university and it was.. I guess things could have been better. It's the usual. Our timetables are messed up, we meet new lecturers and a bunch of new people. I have to mention that our timetables are really screwed up. Some classes can last until 10PM and they keep changing everyday! I admit I probably freaked out more than I should in this week, but it's just the first week. I should prepare for worse things that could happen. --- Well, I can't remember how many times my family did the Earth Hour every 28th of March. We didn't do it every year but I guess we participated the event for almost all years since we learned about it. Earth Hour is a worldwide event held by WWF, encouraging everyone on earth to turn off their lights on the 28th of March, 8:30PM to 9:30PM at their own local time. Well, I know my neighbours are not actively participating it but my family thought it was a good way to save electricity and have some fam

Free games!

It was one beautiful evening when my brother told me that a new game store was opening near our area. It was a grand opening and apparently they are giving away free games to the first 300 customers who are willing to camp in front of their game shop way before opening time early in the morning. The day before the opening, my brother actually told me that he suddenly felt lazy to go. He isn't an outgoing person and would rather stay at home but I convinced my dear brother that he could get the games he and I wanted for free. On the day of the opening, I got up earlier than I usually do because my brother knocked my door and forced me to be awaken from my wonderful slumber. But anyway, soon we were on our way to the game store. We left our house at 9:30AM, an hour earlier than the opening time. Due to the fact that the area has a lot of car repairing workshops, most of the parking spots are reserved with tyres or paint cans taking up the parking spots. We went around the area


I am not the most interesting person in the world, and I'm not the person you'll want to go to when you want to hear cool stories or interesting conversations. Well, you could try but I'll probably won't. I realized that I have gotten really anti-social since my semester break. Probably the most anti-social moment in my whole life of my history. Well, maybe I wouldn't diagnose myself anti-social but really I just don't like talking to people about stuff anymore. Or I'm scared, or just plain nervous, or just unwilling to share about things about me anymore. I'm guessing it's more of the third option there. I won't shut myself in my cone shell and seal myself away from human interaction, I will stand outside right beside my shell, a few feet away from you and listen to you as you talk about your (most likely more) interesting life and go back inside once you're done or when I decide I don't want to listen to you anymore. I say I'


I was taking a shower on the night before Chinese New Year and asked myself if I should wash my hair. It is a Chinese tradition not to wash your hair on the first day of CNY. We are not supposed to cut our fingernails or sweep the floor on the first day as well. With that in mind, I've decided to wash my hair so it wouldn't stink after two days of not washing my hair. I thought it was really weird yet amazing, that some traditions from different cultures are still kept till this day. I was taught of these traditions since I was young and I followed them without asking or hesitating. Now that I'm almost adult, even knowing that the reasons behind these beliefs and tradition might not be true, I still feel uncomfortable with the thought of disobeying it. We were always told to preserve our tradition so that our culture and identity would be kept. People had passed down these habits from generations ago and it is our duty to do the same. But the world is so modern now, not