
Showing posts from May, 2009

Audition Under The SEA ~

Is tired after yesterday's modern contemp class. Gaahh. --- Took some screenshot yesterday in Audition. Whee. First up! Finally, I can get 400k at Hands Up!!! in beat up mode T___T So happy ;_; Look how happy xSnowCone is :3 Yesterday I played a few rounds with PE. Guess what. SHE BOUGHT ACASSHH!! T___T *jealous* Makes me want to buy too ;_; Plus now there's a 20% discount at Audition >< Here's our pretty Acash user ~ Yes, she's clubbing, and I am oberserving her :x Below is the winner of that round. Their pets are spinning in circles, making them look so cute! :3 Yesterday I have my last round at a beat up room and the song is Party Party. Party Party isn't really a hard song, it's just at the finishing the notes are confusing. I know the directions but I can't press them x.x BUT. The guy that's playing with me. Shocked me. Okaay. No miss. BUT NO COOL AND BAD!? Pro. That's all for Audition. (: --- I was just reading Rave in OneManga. Ahh.

Layout Changed (Again)

Layout changed, again. The banner is drawn by me, a girl sitting. Why not a boy? Because I don't draw guys as handsome as Hana's :x The texts in my blog were actually black, but I changed it to pink since it's my favourite colour :) June's coming, and that's the month I am borned, so I wanted to make it special! Not sure how... LOL. The song played in my blog is Bitter Sweet Symphony by The Verve. First heard it at my Modern Contemp class. Thanks to Evonne for telling me the name of the song :) Please be reminded that I am going to change my blog address to on the first of June. --- Today is my father's birthday! Happy Birthday Daddy <3

It's Over

Finally, the war has ended and everyone is back to their lives. Wounded, but I am still alive. --- Yes! My school's mid term exam is finally over! Now I can relax and get rid of the pressure of my back. Well, I don't have pressure at all, so... I am just worried about my results, but it's me to blame if I get low marks, since I don't study >_> My mother said even if there's exam or no exam, it makes no difference to me and my brother, because we don't study! D: Just glad that it's over :) --- May is coming to an end and June's coming. Yay June! x3 I decided to change my layout because I am bored with this dark layout. Since my birthday is in June, I am going to make it special! Well, maybe not. I will change my blog address to on the 1st of June , so remind yourself. Please ignore the banner showing the new address. --- Thanks to my cousin, Sky for giving me these rare mysterious box toys! x3 Snowii has become so d

23th & 24th of May - Double Day Post

It's still strange to see two boys in the studio. LOL. --- 23th of May After 3 hours of my ballet lessons (It's tiring D:), me and my family decided to go IOI New Wings to have dinner since my big brother never been there before. We park our car at the rooftop and saw this. Poor broken mirror :'( My big is kinda excited and head to the New Wings along with my brother. Me and my mother went there after a while at Popular. Took a picture of my two brothers :P Look like gay couple wearing same colour (red) :x We were discussing what to eat for dinner we walked here and there. My stomach is already grumbling after dancing so much. My brother suggested we eat at a restaurant called "Teh Tarik". At first I heard him say. "Let's eat at Teh Tarik." I was like, you want to drink teh tarik for dinner? Is that enough for your super big appetite? Then, my mother showed me a advertisement of the restaurant. The restaurant wasn't really suitable for me

Sunday Fun :P

I went to the battlefield without any weapon or armour. And I don't care. --- This happened last Sunday. My brother wanted to get an Arsenal home jersey and my uncle took us to One Utama and The Curve to see if the shops are selling. I was wearing my SF T-shirt and my new shoes, YAY. We checked the shops but the only jerseys that were selling was away jerseys. My brother was disappointed because he don't want the yellow jersey, since he hate yellow so much. But he had no choice so he bought the away jersey. Better than leaving empty handed right? My shoes were quite lose. EEKK. I ate ice-cream that day! Too bad there's no chocolate flavoured ;_; After buying the jersey, we went back to my uncle's house and I used the computer for a while. My cousin's back from his taekwondo practice and then we went for dinner. Then we head back to One Utama and have our dinner at a restaurant called ChatterBox. I don't know why it's called that and I don't really ca

Happy :D

Just yesterday, I finally got my Sleeping Forest Guild T-Shirt on my hands! I am so happy! Thanks to PE and one of my ballet classmate, I can finally get my hands on it! x3 I want to thank Chrys, my O2Jam guild master and everyone in the guild for being so nice. O2Jam might not exist now, but Sleeping Forest will rock forever! I ♥ SF! My T-shirt Look! It has my name! XD To make things better, I went to shopping with my mother today to buy some things for lunch. But we passed by and saw some really nice shoes! My mother liked another one but I preferred another one, as it matches with my SF T-shirt. My mother bought it for me and made spaghetti for lunch! I love you mumm!! Da shoe :D I feel so happy. :D But exam is drawing near and I haven't prepared for it. I am never ready for an examination. I don't know why and I don't like it. But I just can't study :( Just now I just had my Modern Contemp lessons and it was fun. Today it was

10th of May - Mother's Day

It's the second Sunday of the month and it's Mother's Day. I hope everyone knows that. --- I woke up and saw my mother facing the computer. I sat beside her and poked her. "Happy Mother's Day." I said with a soft voice. "Where's my present?" My mother replied back. I went into my room and took the card I made for her and gave it to her. She was disappointed because she wanted me to draw a card using the computer. Sorry mom, maybe your birthday? :( Then, I gave her a hug. I love you mommy! <3 Thank you for everything you had done and sorry for everything I had done to make you worry. Happy Mother's Day. --- My mother said you don't have to buy expensive gifts or treat her to a fancy dinner, what's important is showing your love to your mother. She said a wish is already enough. Be grateful you have a mother who cares and love you. Some orphans don't even have parents and they don't receive love as much other childrens. So

Sunglasses, ON!

I still feel the pain on my butt. Ouch. --- I was drawing in my room and the sunny sun shined its ray into my room and through my window. I sat on my bed and began taking photos, YAY! First, the blue skies and fluffy clouds. Then, I moved a little. Taadaa. Move the angle. Add my hand. Love this one! x3 I had fun taking these pictures x) And these are also photos taken with the sunny sun. The world is so beautiful <3> Pictures taken are by me and not editted! :P --- More photos to come! A bird at my grandmother's house. It layed its eggs at another plant but I couldn't take the picture of it :( A toy that brings back a lot of memories :( My toys after taking a "bath" x) --- Yippee! I turned into a Clubb Level 17 today! Wasted 1000+ dens for one try (again). I didn't make it for the finishing move but managed to pass with perfects x7! Wahahaha.

6th of May - Unlucky

It's also Ino's day. --- The moment I woke up, I realized I have big red patches on my body. I went out of my room and told my mom. She said I am MAYBE allergic to something that I ate. Our guess it's prawns, since I had prawns cracker yesterday. So, we went to the doctor after my breakfast. I waited at the clinic while other people stare at me. Then, more people came in and more of them looked at me. I wasn't embarrassed but I really did looked like a monster with red big patches all around my body. It's really disgusting. Then, when things couldn't get any worse, four people came in and one of them is injured and can't walk without people's help. She had injuries on her body and she was sent to see the doctor immediately. Now I have to wait longer but she really needed help. When I can finally get in to see the doctor. The doctor told me. " Why didn't you say you have allergies? It's an emergency and you should tell the nurse and came in t

Layout Changed

As you can see, I changed my blog's layout. I thought it's time to change my blog because it may get kinda boring =/ spots spots spots~ I really wanted the gadgets to be at the left side! :( The header is a photo of Rosette from the anime Chrno Crusade. She looks so pretty in this picture :3 Why I choose blue? To suit the picture! Kinda simple, better than complicated ones x_x I also changed the song to Sayonara Solitaire and it also comes from the anime Chrno Crusade. It's a great anime :) --- It's Labour Day and I went to my hometown, Malacca to visit my grandmother. I went there in the morning and was really happy to see all my relatives, especially my cousins ;P I brought my homework, my one and only comic(Kaichou wa Maid-sama!), my manga that is drawn in a sketchbook, my phone, my phone charger and a pen drive, to install AuditionSEA. Yay. Glad it work, and glad to see my little Audition brother and Kitty but I didn't have the chance to play with her =/ Wheee.