23th & 24th of May - Double Day Post

It's still strange to see two boys in the studio. LOL.

23th of May

After 3 hours of my ballet lessons (It's tiring D:), me and my family decided to go IOI New Wings to have dinner since my big brother never been there before. We park our car at the rooftop and saw this.

Poor broken mirror :'(

My big is kinda excited and head to the New Wings along with my brother. Me and my mother went there after a while at Popular. Took a picture of my two brothers :P

Look like gay couple wearing same colour (red) :x

We were discussing what to eat for dinner we walked here and there. My stomach is already grumbling after dancing so much. My brother suggested we eat at a restaurant called "Teh Tarik".

At first I heard him say. "Let's eat at Teh Tarik."

I was like, you want to drink teh tarik for dinner? Is that enough for your super big appetite? Then, my mother showed me a advertisement of the restaurant.

The restaurant wasn't really suitable for me since I don't eat spicy food. I ordered Mee Goreng Mamak and no prawns in it. Since I don't know if i am still alergic to prawns.

You can see the lake at the Teh Tarik Restaurant :)

Tables there are made of wood.

I like the lights there. It's pretty :3

Dinner was great and I enjoyed my meal there. Except it's a little bit expensive and I am so freaking cold there x.x


24th of May

We had our lunch and went to visit my grandmother. My big brother said he wanted to stay over there. I remembered when we are smaller, he always liked to stay over at my grandmother's house. I guess he really likes there and being with my grandmother. So my mother agreed and let him to stay there until the coming Wednesday.

For me, I am happy because there won't be noise and no one can snatch the computer from me. Yippee?

I bought my Chinese exercise book there so I can study. After studying for a while I drawed on a paper with pen. Here's the drawing.

So ugly :x

I was really scared if I ruined the drawing since I am drawing it with blue pen. The girl is okay for me but I don't like the boy's eyes. They look strange D: Took sometime to figure out the pose I am drawing. But I am quite satisfied.

My brother won't let me play his PSP so I went to the balcony and I recalled some memories there. I remember when I was small I liked to sit like this

Legs stick out! LOL.

I growed up a lot since then and it's kinda hard to get my legs through the bars. Hehe. My brother saw me from below and he is able to touch my legs! xD He's too tall :x

Kinda scared my phone will fall when taking this picture xD

Then we went home and I get to use the computer! Aikz, DW di or Kitty no online T_T If not play Audition till siao :P

Going to have my dinner (Hokkien Mee) ~ Tatta ~


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