Layout Changed

As you can see, I changed my blog's layout. I thought it's time to change my blog because it may get kinda boring =/
spots spots spots~

I really wanted the gadgets to be at the left side! :(

The header is a photo of Rosette from the anime Chrno Crusade. She looks so pretty in this picture :3

Why I choose blue? To suit the picture! Kinda simple, better than complicated ones x_x

I also changed the song to Sayonara Solitaire and it also comes from the anime Chrno Crusade. It's a great anime :)


It's Labour Day and I went to my hometown, Malacca to visit my grandmother. I went there in the morning and was really happy to see all my relatives, especially my cousins ;P

I brought my homework, my one and only comic(Kaichou wa Maid-sama!), my manga that is drawn in a sketchbook, my phone, my phone charger and a pen drive, to install AuditionSEA. Yay.

Glad it work, and glad to see my little Audition brother and Kitty but I didn't have the chance to play with her =/

Wheee. I guess that's all :p


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