6th of May - Unlucky

It's also Ino's day.


The moment I woke up, I realized I have big red patches on my body. I went out of my room and told my mom. She said I am MAYBE allergic to something that I ate. Our guess it's prawns, since I had prawns cracker yesterday. So, we went to the doctor after my breakfast.

I waited at the clinic while other people stare at me. Then, more people came in and more of them looked at me. I wasn't embarrassed but I really did looked like a monster with red big patches all around my body. It's really disgusting.

Then, when things couldn't get any worse, four people came in and one of them is injured and can't walk without people's help. She had injuries on her body and she was sent to see the doctor immediately. Now I have to wait longer but she really needed help.

When I can finally get in to see the doctor. The doctor told me.

" Why didn't you say you have allergies? It's an emergency and you should tell the nurse and came in to see me immediately. "
Staring me with his big, big eyes.

If only I knew! Then I will be back and home and maybe still able to attend my Wushu class! You should blame the nurse as well. She said she had this kind of allergic before and she didn't let me see the doctor and making me wait outside!

Then, he said he had to inject a needle into my BUTT. Yes, my poor butt. But I didn't really care where he is injecting me, since it was for my own good.

He told me to relax but I keep tensing my muscle and making it hard for him. I'm sorry but I am a dancer, and dancers need firm muscle ;3 It was quite painful, but it was for a while only.

So I guessed it's official. June is allergic to prawns, crabs and other shelled seafood. I am fine with that but I LOVE crab! *sobscriessobscries* Now I am same with my big brother, who has the same allergies as me ;_;

Then, they gave me medicine and I went straight to bed after I came home. I didn't get to attend my Wushu class and also my school. I think my records at school is getting worse x_x Sorry Kitty and Hana, since I can't go to school to see you two ;_;

When I woke up my skin was finally back to normal but there's still patches there. I was so happy to see myself normal again. *sniff*

From this day onwards, I shall be enemies with prawns and crabs. But I will still love you two ~ @@


It's been 5 months already in my school and another student transferred into this school. It's my ballet friend and I was shocked that she didn't knew there was this school around her area ._.

Please be nice to her if you see her. She's pretty by the way. XD


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