Audition Under The SEA ~

Is tired after yesterday's modern contemp class. Gaahh.


Took some screenshot yesterday in Audition. Whee.

First up!

Finally, I can get 400k at Hands Up!!! in beat up mode T___T So happy ;_; Look how happy xSnowCone is :3

Yesterday I played a few rounds with PE. Guess what. SHE BOUGHT ACASSHH!! T___T *jealous* Makes me want to buy too ;_; Plus now there's a 20% discount at Audition ><

Here's our pretty Acash user ~

Yes, she's clubbing, and I am oberserving her :x

Below is the winner of that round. Their pets are spinning in circles, making them look so cute! :3

Yesterday I have my last round at a beat up room and the song is Party Party.

Party Party isn't really a hard song, it's just at the finishing the notes are confusing. I know the directions but I can't press them x.x

BUT. The guy that's playing with me. Shocked me.

Okaay. No miss. BUT NO COOL AND BAD!? Pro.

That's all for Audition. (:


I was just reading Rave in OneManga. Ahh. I remembered I watch the anime when I was small. Too bad it didn't continue until the ending in the anime ;_;

I never read the manga before. It's interesting! xD

Few pictures of the manga. Reading from right to left


Quite blur x.x


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