It's Over

Finally, the war has ended and everyone is back to their lives. Wounded, but I am still alive.


Yes! My school's mid term exam is finally over! Now I can relax and get rid of the pressure of my back. Well, I don't have pressure at all, so...

I am just worried about my results, but it's me to blame if I get low marks, since I don't study >_> My mother said even if there's exam or no exam, it makes no difference to me and my brother, because we don't study! D:

Just glad that it's over :)


May is coming to an end and June's coming. Yay June! x3

I decided to change my layout because I am bored with this dark layout. Since my birthday is in June, I am going to make it special! Well, maybe not.

I will change my blog address to on the 1st of June, so remind yourself. Please ignore the banner showing the new address.


Thanks to my cousin, Sky for giving me these rare mysterious box toys! x3

Snowii has become so dark x_x


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