Lately, I haven't been a good mood because I'm pissed off whenever I see certain things.

Like how I get pissed off when I see people tweet stupid things, or flood my timeline with stupid love messages or posts unnecessary photos, or using incorrect English. And I feel kinda sad because I feel like a bad person because I think I'm surrounded by idiots.

I'm not perfect but Malaysians should really brush up their English. Even children in Singapore five years younger than us can probably speak better English. I can't take it anymore.


I am a fan of EGOIST and I love Chelly's voice. I think it's sad that admins of EGOIST fanpages can't even get facts right about the band. Once again, I'm pissed off.

I should really control myself, hmm. No, people should do more research and act smarter. That's what I do when I don't understand something, I ask my friend Google.

I think there are people who don't really know about EGOIST is because they got confused with anime Guilty Crown. And since EGOIST also sang the ending themes for Psycho-Pass, people just get more confused.

So, I decided to clear things up. I just hope people would read this.

supercell (Yes, without the capital S)

The creator of the confusion for people not from Japan.

To put it simply, supercell is a band from Japan. Many people may think, 'Oh, a band consists of a singer, and people who play the instruments.' But that isn't entirely the case for supercell. Led by Ryo (song writer and music producer), supercell consists members who play the instruments and illustrators like Shirow Miwa and redjuice. They never revealed their faces to the public.

The unique thing about supercell is they don't have a permanent singer in the group. They hold auditions and chose their singers from there. So from time to time, you get to hear different singers singing different varieties of music. So far, three singers Nagi Yanagi, Chelly and Koeda have been featured in supercell.

DECO*27, another band also from Japan does the same thing featuring singers like Tobi and Marina.

So one day, supercell decided to create something like a sub-group called EGOIST. With Chelly as the one and only vocalist, Ryo writes the lyrics and as usual the members of supercell creates the music. That, is the birth of EGOIST in the real world we're living.


Like I said, EGOIST is a real band in the real world with the vocalist Chelly. However, in the anime Guilty Crown, there is also a fictional band with the same name with Yuzuriha Inori as the vocalist. The songs that Inori sang in the anime was also sang by Chelly, so you can say that Inori = Chelly. But that isn't entirely true, either.

People have been ignorant about this fact. They think EGOIST only exists in Guilty Crown but it isn't just a fictional band. So when Psycho-Pass had ending themes sang by EGOIST, they have thoughts like EGOIST belongs to Guilty Crown, not Psycho-Pass. Idiotsidiotsidiotsidiots.

Since Inori from Guilty Crown was so popular, people just call Chelly, Inori. I don't know if the real Chelly is sadden by this truth.

The conclusion is, EGOIST exists in both Guilty Crown and the real world. Inori as the vocalist in Guilty Crown, and Chelly as the vocalist in the real world. But both singers are the same person, Chelly.


Illustrator in supercell and designer of the characters in Guilty Crown. Yes, this guy that came to Malaysia last year during Comic Fiesta is the creator of the amazing Inori. I love his other arts too. His style consists mostly of girls in suits. Pretty.

I think redjuice probably also decided to confuse the fans. When designing Inori, he gave her pink hair. When EGOIST was introduced later on, he also decided to give the character design of Chelly the same pink hair. So there you go, both Inori and 'Chelly' have pink hair.

And since some people think that Inori is the main vocalist of EGOIST, they always think it's Inori when they see a character with pink hair featured on EGOIST albums. But the real fact is that is 'Chelly'. Inori only exists in Guilty Crown!

Yuzuriha Inori from Guilty Crown

(NOT INORI) 'Chelly'

Songs feautred in Guilty Crown
- My Dearest
- Euterpe
- Departures ~Anata ni Okuru Ai no Uta~
- The Everlasting Guilty Crown
- Planetes (Guilty Crown OVA)

Songs featured in Psycho-Pass
- Namae no nai kaibutsu
- All Alone With You


In the first opening of Guilty Crown, Inori can be seen singing the song My Dearest. And since people think that Inori is Chelly, they think that Chelly sang My Dearest which is absolutely wrong. My Dearest is sang by Koeda.

All featured singers in supercell have their own unique voices. It is actually easy to tell them apart. In this case, Koeda has powerful vocals. But I don't like really like her voice, she tend to make them sound, squeaky? I can't explain.

In supercell, Koeda sang songs like My Dearests, Sinner and The Bravery. So not all songs in Guilty Crown are sang by Inori/Chelly.

Ai Kayano

The voice actress of Yuzuriha Inori. I admit, I didn't know she gave Inori her voice, I thought it was Chelly because Chelly sang as Inori. I only knew later and was quite shocked.

In normal scenes where Inori is talking, it is Ai Kayano's voice. Chelly only sang in Guilty Crown, never the seiyuu of Inori. So give credit to Kayano who made Inori such a sweet person!

Aaaaaand I guess that's all. I hope I don't confuse people even more but made things clear. Sorry if I gave any wrong information but I think I'm at least more well-informed than some people on the Internet. I'm doing this for the love of EGOIST and I hope people will listen to supercell and EGOIST's songs.

Psycho-Pass is a great anime too so don't just watch Guilty Crown.

Thank you to supercell for existing and Ryo for writing beautiful lyrics.


I'm not sure whether my speculation is correct but I think EGOIST is based off from Guilty Crown. From there, maybe they decided to keep this virtual band alive (well, its popular) and thus now EGOIST is still running. As EGOIST vocalist is Inori in the show, it would be weird if the band EGOIST change their vocalist into some gold/red/green whatever hair coloured new girl avatar. Why should they change it? EGOIST is already an entity and thus keeping Inori as the avatar for Chelly is best choice as people already recognize Inori as EGOIST. If you're asking why EGOIST must be Inori, read on below.

I don't think Chelly mind people calling her Inori as the avatar is indeed Inori. If you watch the latest MV, "All Alone With You", it gave a little hint about Guilty Crown's story, as well as the atmosphere and shirt that Inori (the avatar of Chelly) wearing is Shu's apparels (The near ending episodes where he has the red scarf etc).

So in my conclusion, Inori = Chelly, Chelly = Inori now.
However I understand, as a Chelly fan myself, I want people to know Chelly as Chelly, but then its probably ryo and Chelly's decisions so just let them be. =D
June - ♥ said…
You know, I just wanna thank you first for dropping a comment at my blog and I really appreciate your opinion.

I guess you are right about EGOIST's from Guilty Crown and because Inori's so popular in the anime they made Chelly have the same pink hair too. Even I call Chelly as Inori sometimes because I've got so used to her name while watching Guilty Crown. But I just hope that people know the existence of Chelly because she's really the one singing all the amazing songs.

Well, I can't read Japanese and supercell or ryo or Chelly hasn't really said anything about this so yeah, it's their decision. I just want to share information to the fans of Inori/Chelly.

Thanks again for sharing your opinion!

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