11th of April - A great, wonderful, splendid day :)

It's a Saturday and there's no school. To make things better, there's no ballet class too! Although I don't know why ._.


After lunch, my family went to Sunway for shopping! We went to the digital centre to see things and to buy things. The people there are desperate for customers I tell you.

My brother wanted a PSP so we went around seeing game stores. But their price are so high x_x So we decided to check out the price at IOI.

Yay I finally bought something I wanted long time ago <3

After walking for some time, we went to see a national ice skating competition. We only watched it for a while because my brother was complaining. Damn it T_T

The first round was 5 little girls competing. One of the girls had a fierce coach that is always shouting near the rink. Eeekk. Poor little girl.

All of them gave their best and performed in front of the judges and people. I wanted to take pictures but I forget to bring my phone and my brother won't borrow me his phone :(

Then, we left Sunway and head for IOI. My brother checked the price about his PSP in few stores and then he finally bought one. I guess he will be playing it everyday from now.

While they were buying PSP, I was checking out comics at a store and my father allowed me to buy a comic book. It was
Kaichou wa Maid-sama! Volume 6. Although I already seen it on the website, I wanted it because I can see Usui everyday <3



Here's prove it's mine! xD


Wahaha. I feel so happy.

Then, it was almost evening and we had dinner at a Japanese restaurant. The restaurant was Kikyo. From the outside, there seems to be no customers, but when we went in, there are customers, but the wall was blocking ._.

We placed our orders and the food was preeety :3


My father's sake. I thought it's pretty. @@


My brother told me pose with the green tea. I don't drink green tea! D;


I had an Unagi set and I was very full already. Maybe next time I should share it with my brother. We finished our meal and went outside of the restaurant as we wait for my father to pay. We noticed this.

These are all fake, know?
Ramen. Reminds me of an anime called Neko Ramen.
We spent 5 hours out of the house and computer and it was really fun! Thanks daddy and mummy for spending your money for us <3>




She's cute, ain't she? :3


Unknown said…
weih...that was my daddy's shop...ehehehe...x)
btw...how was the food?o.O?

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