Artwork :O

I have drawn some drawings and I wanted to post here. So, comments and criticisms are appreciated.

PLEASE post comments at the comment box, NOT at the chatbox D:


Did this today. The more I look, the more I think it's ugly x.x

Did this quite a long time ago.

Harharhar, I wanted to draw a guy but ended up drawing a girl with him too :x So damn ugleh D:


Lalala, I don't want to go back to school ~


PainEclipse said…
the 1st pic is >33333
Hanamiru said…
Aww it's nice! :D Yerr why i din see dao the 2nd pic der? So cute and she reminds me of Karin :3
Hannah Afia said…
Whoa.. SO nice. :)
Xin Yi Hor said…
nice!! incredible.. ^^
Hui-Ling said…
June, u are really good at drawing. How do u colour the eyes? Its like u can see the colour through the hair.
June - ♥ said…
@Hui Ling
LOL. Yeah, eyes shouldn't be seen when they're covered by the hair >__>

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