
Showing posts from 2016

Comic Fiesta 2016

After my first time in CF, I decided I will never return. But I also do. I wonder why. This year, I had a reason. I wanted to support a friend who is having a booth for the first time. And I know another person who is also managing their booth, so it's like visiting them and see how they're doing. But other than that, I have no reason to go. I don't buy anything (because I don't like keeping stuff) and I really don't have anyone I wanted to meet. Famous cosplayers are cool but did you look at the queue!!? It was a good chance to try out the public transport around my area that was recently developed. It's great because the event location is very far away and I don't like driving. This year's location was at PWTC, when they had it at KLCC for the past few years. Thanks to the help of friends, I was fortunate enough to get hold of tickets so I didn't have to queue early in the morning before the event even started to buy them. I heard from my f

Square One.

Three months passed since I started my internship. If you asked me what have I learned during these three months, I would say a lot, but then it doesn't feel like much either. Still, it is an experience that I'm thankful for. I feel relief and just like how I felt on the first day of work, I'm not looking forward to the working life. But life must go on and I will go along with it till I die. I felt very lost when I started my internship. Even after years in university I wasn't clear what I wanted to do. A decade from now on, will my interest stay the same? Will the choice I choose now be the right one? Who knows? I love drawing ever since I could remember. I doodled on places I shouldn't, paper, on the computer, though I admit I'm drawing much less than I should. But people tell me again and again not to choose this path. It will be a tiring journey, probably not even worth it. That I should do what others are doing. It probably won't be much, b


I shall not be forgiven for not updating my blog. It's not that I totally forgot about it or I had no content to talk about, I just didn't do it and I'm guilty. But here I am that's what matters, right? Right? --- In my last post, I was talking about my internship and that was on week three. I'm currently on week 12, if I'm not mistaken and times flies, really. Man, it feels nice to type about my feelings in proper English in essay format with correct punctuation. I got to do a lot more stuff after that post and I'm happy to say I did some illustrations! But now I'm (most likely) stuck to animating till my internship is over. But I'm not complaining, I had it so much better than some of my friends. But I'm dying to back to studying. Not looking forward to the working life at all. Even with my internship going on, I'm glad I still managed to meet my classmates. Got to meet the girls to watch Train To Busan (CRYING) and another ti


So I'm just going to get straight to the point and say that I am now going through an internship at an animation company. It has been three weeks since I started working and thankfully, the wish I made on my last post came true. Getting into the company wasn't really hard really. I was desperate to just get a company to accept me. And my company didn't really judged me on my skills either. They just wanted people to work for them, I guess. But their pay wasn't really low for an intern so I'm not complaining. The company's really chill. I'm allowed to surf the web, I don't have to arrive really early for work and the people there are fine. I am lucky to have a classmate following me so it wasn't that lonely and awkward. And I was super, super, super grateful to have another female intern joining us at the end of the second week, because I seriously thought the only female I would see in the building is the cleaning lady. She caught me watchi

Riolympics 2016.

See what I did there? --- Sooooooooo, an event that happens once every four years. It should be something to look forward tobut somehow there wasn't much hype before it began. One thing was my family didn't have an Astro anymore so it's a bit difficult to tune in to watch the games, and I tried looking for ways to watch it live on the internet but I didn't really try hard enough I guess. The only event I'm really interested in, and like most Malaysians are, is badminton. Our national hero, Dato Lee Chong Wei is going for the gold once again but seriously we don't really expect things to go well but we don't blame him anyway 'cause he already won our hearts. What really surprised me is that there are two other Malaysian teams that made it into the finals. Mixed doubles and men's doubles. I knew we had to support our country, even if our chances our slim. Thanks to a friend, we managed to watch live stream on a website that is surprisingl

Mangas that Left Deep Impressions

When I was younger, I used to share manga recommendations on my blog. It wasn't like I was trying to turn my blog into a manga blog or something like that, it was just because I felt like sharing the mangas I love to my readers. It wasn't a lot but I always followed a format when I was introducing the mangas. And honestly, I think those posts are one of the sources of my viewers. 'Cause nobody wants to know about me *criessobscries* Just kidding. I stopped introducing mangas for a number of reasons I guess. One, I became more busy with life and I couldn't even update normal posts on my blog. Two, I shifted from shoujo to other genres which I wasn't familiar and lastly I just didn't read as many mangas as before. I also wasn't that adventurous anymore when finding mangas to read. But recently I thought about it and I kinda miss how I blogged about mangas. Of course, I could introduce the mangas I am reading right now but I thought it will be more inte


My semester ended just recently but I'm not completely free yet. There are still some stuff I have to do and there will be more stuff waiting for me. I'm never gonna chill. Just kidding, games here I come. If I could describe my semester in one word, it will be - problem is I can't. I guess it's an okay semester, it could be worse. For the first time in my university life, I panicked and stressed over a module. But I'm the one to blame as I procrastinated. But things ended well and I'm just glad everything is over. My internship will be starting soon and I'll get the taste of the working life and being a working adult. I'm not really looking forward but I can't say I'm dreading it either. I'm curious to know what will happen but at the same time I don't want to grow up and pass this stage. Soon I'll graduate and I'll have to adult all day everyday for the rest of my life. I realized I never mentioned about my birthday in my

Penang Trip 2.0 Part II

Please read the first part if you haven't! --- DAY TWO After learning from the mistake we made on the first day, we rented a car so we could get around easier. Unfortunately, the car arrived at our apartment an hour late. We went ahead to Penang Hill. There wasn't a lot of people, but we still had to wait for a while to get the tickets and queue in line for the train that will bring us to the top of the hill. It seems like there are only two trains to bring people up and they will certainly be faster if they didn't make random stops now and then. Finally, we got out from the train at the top of the hill and was greeted by the cold air. Well, it is supposed to be the highest point of Penang, so yeah. It looks like a little like Genting, fogs, mists and all. There are actually quite a few attractions like the botanical garden and some museums, but they require a fee so we didn't bother. We missed our lunch time while waiting for the train so we just went to

Penang Trip 2.0 Part I

If I remembered correctly, and based on the blog post I made, the last time I stepped on the land of Penang was 2009. I went to Penang again a few weeks ago and surprise, I went there together with my classmates, not family. I always mention that organizing trips are almost impossible with my classmates but we did it, and it was kinda last minute too. After thinking about transportation, accommodation and what are we going to do there, we decided to fly to Penang via airplane because the tickets are actually kinda cheap! We're staying at a friend's relative's house. Transportation. I'll fill in about that later. DAY ONE So we all met up at KLIA2 in the morning. It was my first time departing from KLIA2 and it's been a long time since I took a domestic flight. I was so used to carry my passport around in airports that it felt so weird. After we landed, we took a taxi to the place where we will spend two nights over there. It was an apartment on the 19th

Islamic Art & IKEA Meatballs.

Been about three weeks since my semester started. Things will only get busier from now on. And it doesn't help as I get lazier and lazier. --- One thing about my class is that we can never organize outings. Most of the time, there will be no full attendance (12 people in total) and as the date arrives most will bail out and in the end the whole thing gets cancelled. I admit, I don't show much enthusiasm when my friends invite me out and I'm guilty of it. But one sure way of getting most of us out is having outings organized by our lecturers, LOLLLL. I know, we're such an non-independent, indecisive bunch of kids. But that's just how we roll. For one of our subjects, initially we were planning to go to the National Science Center of Malaysia. I was excited to go there even though I went there as a kid. Partly because I can't really remember what I did there and science is just that fun. But as we were having lunch, one of our friends who got ther


^ Lame attempt at naming this post. --- Just submitted my last assignment for this semester and now I'm temporarily free. Hmm, not looking forward to the new semester. Anyway, I probably went out more than usual in the last two weeks. Proves how not outgoing I am *sobscriessobs* I went to Sunway Lagoon with a few classmates of mine a week ago and yeap, I had a lot of fun even though I went there many times in the course of my life. Well, I still wanted to go there again this time because I wanted to play around with water. Yesjuneyou'resomaturehuehuehue. I went with three of my classmates who either never been there before or couldn't remember their experience there. I'm glad they had fun. I did too. Sunway Lagoon has a new attraction called the Nickelodeon Lost Lagoon and it's the first Nickelodeon themed attraction in Asia if I'm not mistaken. That's also one of the reasons I wanted to go. Try out some new rides yo. We spent almost


Happy Lunar/Chinese New Year to those who are celebrating it. It is the year of the monkey and when mentioning about the animal, no, I don't think of the monkey king, I think of Son Goku. Nope, not from Dragon Ball but the stupid monkey from the Saiyuki series. How does this little boy resemble a monkey, you ask. Honestly, I have no idea either because I was very young when I first saw the series and I have no knowledge of why the author calls him a monkey. In fact, he's actually a demon. It could be the fact that the author took inspiration from the story Journey to the West and there actually is a monkey but I'm too lazy to do research and confirm it. Yes, it's most likely that. I was always a fan of Cho Hakkai but I got to like Son Goku ('s look HAHAHAH) when I got a little older. But truthfully, all the guys in the series are hotties. Every illustration of them are like an album cover of a popular boy band. There was a Facebook ad featuring figuri


It's 2016. It doesn't matter to me if it's a new year or not, I know my life will still go on. The sun still rises from the east and sets on west, so it's just another day.   EDIT: HAHAHA I TOTALLY FORGOT. Shout out to milord Calvin! 2016 will be our 7th(?) year knowing each other. Stay strong man! --- Almost everyday after I arrive at my university, I have to walk quite some distance from the outdoor car park to the campus. If I wasn't walking on the paved road, I hear the sound of my shoe stepping on the gravel. It always reminds me of the game 7 Days To Die because you hear that sound whenever you walk. I don't know if it's weird but sometimes I'll try to feel the ground's surface even there's my shoe between my foot and the ground. If it's an uneven ground I'll just pretend that it's nature giving me a foot massage. I guess I should be thankful to even walk on my own with my two legs. Being able to see with eyes.