
Showing posts from June, 2009

Down I Go

Michael Jackson a.k.a King of Pop died. The world has suffered a great loss and mourned for this unexpected death. I am not a fan of him, but I believed he changed thousands of lives with his music, and that proves he is incredible. Rest in peace, Michael Jackson. (Not going to post a picture of him, too creepy) --- Yes, down I go, once again. Entering the earth's core and breaking through the surface of the other side of the world. All because of a tiny matter. All because of this tiny matter, I almost lost, have my heart broken, caused a rainstorm and feeling this pain once again. What a funny way you say, a funny reason caused this problem. I don't know what to say or do. Saying that you're crazy? No way. Losing everything I had? And you say no way. I saw you, filled with eager, so I wanted to make you happy. But what I expected was not I have seen. You disappoint me, seriously. Heck, maybe it's another way around. The feeling of hate, is in its presence, but faded.

Tagged By Cindy

Again with the taggings! = = --- 1. Besides your lips , where is the favorite spot to get kissed? - Cheeks? 2. How did you feel when you woke up this morning? - What? It's already time to wake up? 3. Whom was the last person/people you took a photo with? - Can't remember :D 4. Would you consider yourself spoiled? - Kinda, my dad loves meh! 5. Will you ever donate blood - If it can save people's lives. 6. Have you ever had a best friend who was of the opposite sex? - Erm. Not really. 7. Do you want someone to be dead? - Nope. 8. What does your last text message say? - Something about Mesha. 9. What are you thinking about right now? - I am hungry. 10. Do you want someone to be with you right now? - The computer is already with me :) 11. What was the time you went to bed last night? - Shhhh. 1 a.m. 12. Where did you buy the tee you are wearing now? - My mom bought it :x 13. Is someone on your mind right now? - Kitty and Hana. We'll be battle party-ing later. LOL. 14. Who w

Ballet ~

As you can see, me is learning ballet. And many people asked questions about ballet and I decided to post everything here. --- How is the word "ballet" pronounced? Bælei. I don't think it's ball-let. How many grades are there in the ballet syllabus? If you're taking Children's Grade, Performing Grade and also Major Grade, there will be 17 grades, I guess. There's Pre-Primary, Primary and Grade 1 to 5 in Children's Grade. Grade 6 to 8 in Performing Grade. Intermediate Foundation, Intermediate, Advanced Foundation, Advanced 1, Advanced 2, and two other grades that I am not familiar with in Major Grade. So, what are the difference? Children's Grade are more simpler and easier. If doesn't matter if you fail in your exams, you still can continue to the next grade. But it's quite impossible to fail. Performing Grade is also easy, but it needs lots of expression. This grade was created later for people who didn't really go through all the grad

Tagged Again =/

Suddenly there's so many tagging. Tagged by Cindy and Elizabeth. --- Copy to your own note, erase my answers, enter yours, and tag ten people. Use the first letter of your name to answer each of the following questions. They have to be real - nothing made up! If the person before you had the same first initial, you must use different answers. You cannot use any word twice and you can't use your name for the boy/girl name 1. What is your name : June 2. A four Letter Word : July 3. A boy's Name : James 4. A girl's Name : Janet 5. An occupation : Janitor 6. A color : Jade 7. Something you'll wear : Jeans 9. A food : Jelly 10. Something found in the bathroom: Jam tangan LOL. 11. A place : Jakarta 12. A reason for being late : Jam la traffic. 13. Something you'd shout : Ja ne~ (means bye bye in Japanese) 14. A movie title : Jurassic Park 15. Something you drink : Juice 16. A musical group : Jonas Brothers 17. An animal : Joey (Baby Kangaroo) 18. A street name : Jacks

Tagged :3

Here goes. 1. The person who tagged you? - Cindy :D 2. Your relationship with him/her is? - Friends. 3. Your first impression with him/her is? - Smart and cute xD 4.The most memorable moments with him/her is? - Don't think there's one. LOL. 5. The most memorable things he/she has said to you? - Uhh. You're tall? 6. If he/she became your lover, what should he/she improve that? - She will never be my lover, because I am not a lesbian. :x 7. If he/she becomes your enemy, what will you do? - Try to avoid her? D: 8. If he/she becomes your enemy, the reason will be? - Because I am taller than her :x 9. The most desired things you want to do for him/her is? - Not quite sure. 10.Your overall impression on him/her is? - Smart, cute and popular :) Oopsie? Where's number 11? 12. The characteristic you hate most about yourself? - I am lazy! 13. The most ideal person you want to be is? - The girl that is best in everything. 14. For people who care and love you, say something to them

Coming To An End

Blehh. The holiday is almost going to end and I haven't finished any homework. Was crazily playing Audition the whole two weeks. Need to spend time studying my ballet syllabus too x.x --- Today is my grandmother's birthday. We went down to my hometown to celebrate her birthday. Glad to see all my relatives and cousin there. Everytime I am there they will say: "JL so tall larrh. See? Dare not stand beside her lerh." I am kinda bored hearing this, but oh well. Then, we sang birthday songs and, who's that guy again? He simply cut the cake it was really funny. xD The cake is delicious by the way. Chocolate <3 My grandmother gave everyone a surprised. It is indeed a big surprise. Won't tell anyone here :) Chatted with my cousins while watching television. Will be going back home the next day. I hope I can finish my homework. --- I am really, really, really, really, REALLY frustrated. I just want things to go well but I can't seem to change the situation. He

11th of June - Day To Remember

Yeah, it's my birthday. Me, PE and Hana went to Sunway. It's was great, thanks! I love you all <3 --- I woke up around 8:24 a.m. and I was like, oh my god why my mother didn't wake me up? I rushed to prepare myself and had my breakfast. This time I was late than PE :P Hana had problems so she will be arriving late. Me and PE head to the ice rink first. There's was only pro people skating there and we were scared to enter the rink. LOL. And PE had wonderful time, watching *ahemkoffkoff* gaes *ahemkoffkoff*. Skated a few rounds and Hana came. She joined us but we were already tired and our ice skating spirit died D: Sorry Hana, if you felt like skating more. Didn't manage to take pictures at the rink because they were hiding and covering the faces = = After ice skating, we went to A&W to have our lunch. Ahh, I haven't been there for such a long time. It indeed bring memories when I was small and I loved to eat there. And yay, there's photos :3 You see

Happy Birthday

Ahh. Before the clock strikes midnight, I would like to wish Happy Birthday to Kar Yen. She's fun to be with, but sometimes doing it too overboard. --- It's midnight already. And the date is the 11th of June. I am officially fourteen years old. I don't have any wishes since I already have everything I wanted. Thanks to my family, friends and everyone who gave me happiness. I love you all <3 I want to thank my parents for bringing me here to this awesome world and taking care of me until this very moment. And friends who created great memories with me, I love you! Now that I am fourteen, but you won't see any changes in me! I will still be lazy, childish and random! That's me. :3 Well, here I want to wish xSaye and Marn Yee Happy Birthday, that is tomorrow, 12th of June. Happy Birthday ~ Will be going to Sunway with Hana and PE. Ice skating, watching movie and maybe shopping and arcade. I'm sure I will write a post about it. <3 -da.sixth.month- <3 --- S

Handsome Anime Guys :P

I posted Handsome Manga Guys before so why not Handsome Anime Guys? There won't be a post Beautiful Anime or Manga girls because they don't attract me D: I can only name one girl that I think it's pretty and it's Tomoyo from Clannad, seriously. Since animes are in colours these guys will be colours too! Yay! <3 These guys are guys I like! So if you don't like them, back off. I am giving my opinion. --- I don't think I will give them ranking, since all of them are so handsome. LOL. Uhhh, and I grabbed a number of photos so it will be hard to decide who's the best. Well, let's start, shall we? -Dark from D.N.Angel- Too bad, I don't really know this guy. If you want his info or something, you will have to ask PE or someone who watched this anime. This is the only picture that makes me feel Dark is handsome D: Anyway, it's still nice to see him :) -Kira from Gundam Seed- I can't believe I still remember his name LOL. Same as Dark, I don'

5th of June - Visiting PE :P

I have updated the post Team Formed . I added some more screenshots about Audition. Be sure to check out! --- This visiting plan was kind of rushed, but I don't mind because I am dropping by my best friend's house. :) It's been a very long time since I went to PE's house and I missed her pet dog, that drools a lot. I picked up Hana with me and head our way to PE's house. It's the first time Hana went there, and I know she's really excited, becauseit'shersenseiomglol . PE was wearing long pants, and she says that she wear that everyday. Behold, PE. :O Strangely, Hana was wearing a white shirt, and PE too. LOL . Anyways, we make our way up to her room. She changed her bed to a double storey bed. And her room is neat as always, and lots of mangas . I can see Hana admiring the collection of PE's manga xD We went to her brother's room and used to computer. We watch some Bleach episodes and it was quite funny. PE rewatched it three times! Kitty

2nd of June - Park of Memories

The title is strange, huh? xD --- In the morning when the sun just rised, I was awaken by my mother. It's 6:15 in the morning. I tried to wake up, but I was still lying there on the bed. Then, I got up and prepared. The reason of waking up so early in the morning it's because my relatives and cousin are going for a morning walk at a park today. Well, you can't say that's a park. It's like a forest, and there's a pathway for you to walk, jog, run, cycle, roll, roller blade, skiing, sky diving. Okay, I was just kidding :x I have been there when I was young, and I was kinda excited to be there again. We reached the destination and saw National Service trainees doing their morning exercise. I tried to take a picture of them but I was walking too fast and the picture is blurred ._. In front of me are my two aunt and behind of me is my mother and my another aunt. I was with my three cousins and my brother goofing around. I was listening to music with my phone while wa