Another Day At Audition

Yes, it's another Audition post. This is too precious to just forget it :x


Hana and Mesha is playing Audition now! And we're really, really happy to have them! <3

I was still in Malacca that time and I was using a laptop. Kitty and Mesha was playing Audition and I couldn't join in. T__T And suddenly, a miracle happened, my brother let me use the comp that has Audition! I see light ~ LOL.

I joined Kitty and Mesha and played a few rounds of beat up. Oh gosh, my skills dropped. Mainly is because the damn computer my cousin has is slow and laggy. Urgghh.

Then we switch to Club II because we joked about looking a couple for Mesha :x The room was filled with our noise, mostly Kitty and Mesha LOL. Then immediately lots of people joined our room and it was crowed, for no reason. xD

Club II ~

Crowded LOL.

Kitty is xMosquito and Mesha's at the back solo-ing T-T

Then we switch to ballroom dancing mode. I paired up with Kitty and Mesha paired up with a friend we just made. He's just 12. LOL. People at Audition are so young, we're so old! T__T

Hope you don't mind, Kitty and Mesha :x

Mesha was having fun playing with him ~ xD Wahahahahaha. Kitty disconnected while playing. So I was forced to dance with an ugly NPC ;_; BO LENGZAI GEHH!

LOL. I have to edit it :x

Sweet moments between our Mesha, and Tooth. ;3

摸来摸去~ (Touch here touch there~)

So cute larh. *touchedsniffsniff*

Later, I had to take my leave and I was on my way back to Selangor. I turned on the computer after I'm back and learned that Tooth became Kitty and Mesha's little brother in Audition. They also had a little sister. Thanks to Mesha <3

Mesha, welcome back to Audition! Glad to have you back! <333

Hana, welcome to Audition! Glad to have you with us! <333

EDIT : Passed license and turned to Level18 Clubber. Wasted two tries and 2120 dens OMG. Di NoObOi will also turn Level22 by tomorrow. xEclipsex, too will level up to Level11, but doesn't want to. =/


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