Coming To An End

Blehh. The holiday is almost going to end and I haven't finished any homework. Was crazily playing Audition the whole two weeks. Need to spend time studying my ballet syllabus too x.x


Today is my grandmother's birthday. We went down to my hometown to celebrate her birthday. Glad to see all my relatives and cousin there. Everytime I am there they will say:

"JL so tall larrh. See? Dare not stand beside her lerh."

I am kinda bored hearing this, but oh well.

Then, we sang birthday songs and, who's that guy again? He simply cut the cake it was really funny. xD The cake is delicious by the way. Chocolate <3

My grandmother gave everyone a surprised. It is indeed a big surprise. Won't tell anyone here :)

Chatted with my cousins while watching television. Will be going back home the next day. I hope I can finish my homework.


I am really, really, really, really, REALLY frustrated. I just want things to go well but I can't seem to change the situation. He hates she hates they hate we hate I hate. I am really confused and I don't know what to do.

I am not afraid to lose you and you, but I am afraid to lose you.

Ahh, the water is flowing again. Will someone close the tap for me?

The wished of it being reborned, once again. I don't think it will happen, even it is hoped for. But thanks.


She is still crying. Why?


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