2nd of June - Park of Memories

The title is strange, huh? xD


In the morning when the sun just rised, I was awaken by my mother. It's 6:15 in the morning. I tried to wake up, but I was still lying there on the bed. Then, I got up and prepared.

The reason of waking up so early in the morning it's because my relatives and cousin are going for a morning walk at a park today. Well, you can't say that's a park. It's like a forest, and there's a pathway for you to walk, jog, run, cycle, roll, roller blade, skiing, sky diving. Okay, I was just kidding :x I have been there when I was young, and I was kinda excited to be there again.

We reached the destination and saw National Service trainees doing their morning exercise. I tried to take a picture of them but I was walking too fast and the picture is blurred ._.

In front of me are my two aunt and behind of me is my mother and my another aunt. I was with my three cousins and my brother goofing around. I was listening to music with my phone while walking.

The forest is a bit dark and lots of trees. I fear mosquitoes! D: According to my mother, the pathway was already better than before. I couldn't remember much because I was still small before.

My aunts are in front of me.

Look at my cousin, so striking! xD

The pathway are renewed.

A unique tree :3

So we are walking around and not many pictures were taken because they all look the same ._. Me, my brother and my cousins will run if we saw my mother and my aunt catching up xD Yeah, we're slow. :P

I was wearing shorts and I felt the itch on my legs. My mother said there's no mosquitoes but I really felt itchy! Damn ): I didn't checked my legs and kept walking.

Then I saw something, a canopy bridge. I remembered I walked the canopy bridge before, and it was really fun. I can recall that I was half running and half walking on the canopy. My mother would tell me to slow down because it's high above the ground and it's quite dangerous.

Now it's closed down because not many people went up there. My cousin also said that the bridge might not be as stable as before. Man, I really wish I can go up there again.

Can you see the canopy?

Well, guess what I saw? Dinosaurs.

What? Dinosaurs? You got to be kidding me.

No. I'm not.

Dinosaurs. :D

Almost as tall as my brother, now imagine a T-Rex :x

A large fish, no wait dolphin?

Fish's mouth, no wait dolphin's mouth?

Uhh, a turtle?

The dinosaurs (and fish, no wait dolphin and turtle) are here since I was young, and nearly 100 million years ago. They're the main reason I am here. I quickly took pictures of them as my leg started to itch insanely itchy. You don't know how itchy it is D:

I also saw this.

My guess is a fungus. It does look like cabbage, though.

We walked for one and a half round and went to see other things. We stopped by a library (whutalibraryinamiddleofaforest!?) and a herb garden. My leg was itching so I explored the herb garden for a while. Couldn't stand it.

It's not really that big.

The modern and beautiful library in the middle of the forest of nowhere.

We finished two rounds and took a break. My brother stupidly went another round and he wasn't wearing proper shoes but slippers. D:

My cousin so "shuai".

We are resting! :D

We went out of the forest and went back to eat breakfast. Breakfast was chicken rice. Heheh, check out my cousin's mother's sister's daughter :3

Cute, right? x3


Went to PE's house today. Really had fun with Hana and PE. Next post will be about it. Be excited!


A Qi Lin (麒麟)

Qi Lin is a creature in Chinese mythology. A Qi Lin has a single horn on its forehead, a yellow belly, a multicoloured back, the hooves of a horse, the body of a deer, and the tail of an ox. It also has scales, like the dragon.

I suddenly thought of it and posted here :x


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