30th of May - Aunt's Birthday

The day after my father's birthday.


Saturday. Right after my ballet lessons (it's killing my toes again), I rushed back home and took a bath and got ready for a dinner at a five star restaurant in a five star hotel. It's located at KL and the reason we're there it's because of my aunt's birthday. My rich uncle was rich to bring us there, LOL.

My cousin watches Clannad :x YAY.

What's the hotel name again? Sherrington? Sharrington? Bleh, I don't care. My uncle parked his car in the basement and we head to the restaurant. Forget the name of the restaurant too =/

One part of the hotel.

I was amazed by the designs and decorations of the restaurant, really. It's was a great place to eat. I see lots of people eating there! :3

It's a fountain, a strange one...

Long lights.


It was a buffet. After we sat down on our table, we began to choose our food. There's a Japanese section, salad section, main course section, and a Chinese food section. I think. LOL.

A ice sculptured as an Ebi. That's what my brother said.

What's cooking, chef?

Sushi corner.

They even have a popcorn machine! @@


I dared not to take too much food to eat. Here's what my mother told me.

  1. Don't take too much food at once.

  2. After having a meal, rest. So you won't feel full so easily.

  3. Don't take food like rice and noodles. You can have them anywhere and it's a waste to eat those foods in a high class restaurant.

    So, here's what I took ._.

The fish is really nice. Everyone liked it. Satay, it's normal. The quil is hard to eat. LOL. My aunt kept laughing at me because of the way I eat xD

I kept taking the fish. I just walked around, looking at the food. LOL. In front of us is the dessert corner, so all I really wanted to eat is cakes, ice-cream and candies! x3

Desserts are yummy to eat!

Tasty fruitard :P

Candies are sweet :3

Honeydew and watermelon.

I took one scoop of strawberry ice-cream and added some, thingy. LOL.

My brother's ice-cream. Looks yummy *_*

And. We saw something. STRANGE.

A name of a food. What the hell is this kind of name?

We gave our aunt a card with everybody's signature in it and wished her Happy Birthday. No birthday cake, though. =/

The buffet is not really impressive because there's only a few choices of food. And the tiramisu cake at the dessert corner is all smashed up. How can you explain that? My uncle said the buffet was no good too :x


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