Handsome Anime Guys :P

I posted Handsome Manga Guys before so why not Handsome Anime Guys? There won't be a post Beautiful Anime or Manga girls because they don't attract me D: I can only name one girl that I think it's pretty and it's Tomoyo from Clannad, seriously.

Since animes are in colours these guys will be colours too! Yay! <3

These guys are guys I like! So if you don't like them, back off. I am giving my opinion.


I don't think I will give them ranking, since all of them are so handsome. LOL. Uhhh, and I grabbed a number of photos so it will be hard to decide who's the best.

Well, let's start, shall we?

-Dark from D.N.Angel-

Too bad, I don't really know this guy. If you want his info or something, you will have to ask PE or someone who watched this anime. This is the only picture that makes me feel Dark is handsome D: Anyway, it's still nice to see him :)

-Kira from Gundam Seed-

I can't believe I still remember his name LOL. Same as Dark, I don't really know him. I saw him when my cousin is watching the anime, and I really, really, liked this guy. Maybe it's because I haven't seen better guys. Oh well.

-Hakkai from Saiyuki-

Hakkai seem a little older than the other guys. Hahaha. Hakkai is actually a demon and has a sad past. He wears earrings to control himself. I loved this guy so much every time I watch this anime. He looks wise. And he has a cute dragon around him every time! x3

-Goku from Saiyuki-

Since I love Hakkai so much, I didn't notice this little kid. Now that I noticed him, I think he's cute! Same as Hakkai, he is a demon. He is energertic and always fooling around. He seems close with Genjo, who is a bad monk in this anime.

-Lelouch from Code Geass-

Once again, I don't know this guy. Ask PE, she knows this guy. I just know this picture attracted me. See his eyes killing you! And his wonderful smile and he's looking at you! LOLOLOL.

-Ren from Jigoku Shoujo-

Haha, you can't see his face. This guy makes me go "Kyahh!" everytime I see him in action. He can turn into a cursed straw doll whenever Emma, the hell girl tells him too. Ren was actually a sword that killed many people in the past. Then Emma made him her servant.

-Sanosuke from Rurouni Kenshin-

The best looking guy in this anime. *__* Sanosuke is an awesome fighter. He doesn't uses and sword or weapons but his bare hands because Kenshin broke big, and I mean gigantic sword. I can't remember his past or the story of him. Eekk. He looks so cool. *faints*

-Train from Black Cat-

Train was a cruel assassin but turned into a better guy after meeting Saya. And she died. D: His nickname was Black Cat and there's a XIII mark on his chest. Looks cool, eh? But still, I prefered the old him when he was a assassin. After he changed, I don't really like him.

-Mori from Ouran High School Host Club-

LOL. He looks like omgwhutthehellhappened in this picture. Mori is considered the wild type in the host club. He barely talks and is always with Honey-senpai. I got nothing to talk about him, since he is so quiet.

-Ryuu from Special A-

Ryuu made his second appearance! Yay! ♥ Like I said, he's always with Megumi and Jun. He's an animal lover and he appeared much more in the anime than the manga. And he turned more handsome too! ♥

-Zero from Vampire Knight-

Made his second appearance, like Ryuu :P Zero's a vampire who hates vampire. Yeah, he looks better in the anime. I like when he is with Yuuki ♥ He's so handsome *__* KYAH ~
Well, I think that's all. All these guys captured my heart ♥ But still, there's still other guys that captured my heart.

-Cloud from Final Fantasy VII-

He's not in any anime but he's the main character of the game FF7 and also the movie FF7 : Advent Children. I love Cloud the most in all Final Fantasy creations. I have a poster of the handsome him thanks to PE. I love you Cloud T__T

-Usui from Kaichou wa Maid-sama!-

Hahah, my handsome prince has arrived! *ahemkoffkoff* LOL. The coloured picture makes you think that's it's in an anime but sadly, it isn't D: Man, I really wish there's an anime for this. Usui, forever my No.1! <33

-Seig Hart from Rave-

I bet all of you don't understand why I like this mage. Well, I don't know, I just love him in every panel of this amazing manga! Rave does have an anime but Seig Hart doesn't look good looking in it ): Plus, this anime is the worst, it stopped at the most important point! Anyway, Seig Hart! <333


Unknown said…
I like the way how u share your thoughts about handsome anime guys probably thinking that maybe other people will agree with me .
Which is exactly what i am doing
I agree with
Please continue to share your thoughts about handsome anime guys because i don't know much handsome anime guys like you do

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