June Is Here

June is here, and I'm here too. (Man, this is confusing.)


I just want to say a few things. Ahh.

Now I am at my hometown, and unfortunately my cousin reformatted his computer and now I have no Audition to play. But that problem was solved today. Thank god. I will be back at my sweet home by tomorrow afternoon. <3

We celebrated my aunt's birthday right after my father's birthday(May 30 is her birthday). We ate at a five star restaurant at KL. I will post with pictures when I get back home.

And today morning I went to some, some kind of place for walk with my relatives. It brings back a lot of memories because I been there before. I will also write about it at my blog after I am back and the pictures are interesting :3

Today we had chicken rice for breakfast, McDonald for lunch and Malacca's delicious Wan Tan Mee for dinner! Trust me, once you eat Malacca's Wan Tan Mee, you won't want to eat Selongor's. It's special too because it's in white, not black or brown :P Amazing, huh?

Hana just joined Audition with us and I am really happy to have more friends joining with me! :D She's a perfect machine so becareful :P Great~ Now we can have a greeniiee ~ (Kitty should understand this xD)


Ahhh. Back into the PetSociety mood again.


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