5th of June - Visiting PE :P

I have updated the post Team Formed. I added some more screenshots about Audition. Be sure to check out!


This visiting plan was kind of rushed, but I don't mind because I am dropping by my best friend's house. :)

It's been a very long time since I went to PE's house and I missed her pet dog, that drools a lot.

I picked up Hana with me and head our way to PE's house. It's the first time Hana went there, and I know she's really excited, becauseit'shersenseiomglol. PE was wearing long pants, and she says that she wear that everyday. Behold, PE. :O Strangely, Hana was wearing a white shirt, and PE too. LOL.

Anyways, we make our way up to her room. She changed her bed to a double storey bed. And her room is neat as always, and lots of mangas. I can see Hana admiring the collection of PE's manga xD

We went to her brother's room and used to computer. We watch some Bleach episodes and it was quite funny. PE rewatched it three times! Kitty also crazy rewatched it many times. Bleach fans, crazy bleach fans.

Since PE's connection isn't really that good, I played O2Mania at her brother's laptop. Ahh I missed O2Jam a lot. T__T My skilled dropped as expected. But being able to play O2 again was a miracle. Thanks to PE ~ :3

Hana was like OMG when she saw us playing. LOL. Hana, you haven't see those amazing crazy people before O2Jam closed down. :P

PE(left) and Hana.

PE looking at something.

PE playing O2Mania.

Hana playing O2Mania. Now spot the difference on the two pictures! They look the same.


Here's a video of PE playing Bang!Bang!Bang! HX5 on O2Mania.

PE took out her tablet and drawed us amazing, handsome, jaw-dropping, beautiful, wonderful, awesome guys. And the guys she drawed was sweeeeet! x3

I don't know who you are but I love you too! <3

Here's Hana's. Japanese words ~

I really had fun at PE's house. Too bad I didn't see her dog D:

Thanks PE ~ <3

We were supposed to leave at 5:30pm but I told my mother to fetch me and Hana at 6. My dad is back from overseas and I am happy to see him. Welcome back dad ~


Something that I drawn.


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